

Bedroom Bath (part-1)

One day a beautiful girl named Denise got married to a rich person. After 2 years they gave birth to a cute baby girl. One day Denise's husband named Vincent travelled to Europe for his business offer. Denise was giving her baby a shower.

Suddenly some goons entered in their house. Denise wasn't aware of it. The goons entered into the room were Denise was making her baby bath. Then the goobs said ,"Hands Up". Denise screamed," Help''. The goons said,"Keep quite we are only here to steal". The baby started to cry. The goons said ," Don't cry". The goons snatched the baby from Denise and Denise said," Don't do anything to my daughter please". The baby was crying louder and louder. The goons got very angry. The other goons holded Denise do that she won't be able to rescue her daughter. The goon holding the baby shot the bullet and the poor little baby died. Denise started to cry," My baby😭". Poor little Denise couldn't bear her child's death and she died but before dying she said ," I will not spare you bloody goon".