

finding myself
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from The Night Slowly Came by Kate Chopin:

I am losing my interest in human beings; in the significance of their lives and their actions. Someone has said it is better to study one man than ten books. I want neither books nor men; they make me suffer…with pain and anxiety. everywhere I turn is fear and feel I am alone in this dark world and no one to trust. I have no family, no friend not even a hobby. I sit at home in my studio flat looking at the four walls looking back on my life. where did it all go wrong, why cant I fit in, why is it everyone is against me, is there no love in the world. while looking back I remember what I used to do as a child and my hobby was writing but I never followed it through. I remember I had more than three groups of friends and then I had none which turned their backs on me. how can I rebuild a trust with the humans again and have the life I lost back. while out for a walk one morning I stumbled across a church and felt I was drawn in and felt a healing power inside me. when I walked in it was dark, then a flash back appeared. all asudden she remembered her best friend funeral and saw the coffin in her memory at the altar and she turned away but she felt guilty for leaving. few weeks past and she walks back into the church and two ladies welcome her in and she said she was christened here and is the only church she knows. the one lady asks for her to stay and join the service and it was a enjoyable service and felt that she was part of a new family and was loved by everyone. marcy thought maybe this is the start of a new me and a new beginning here in the house of god.