

One Shot Story: I Love You
When the clock strikes exactly 8 pm, I immediately entered the XX Bar where my boyfriend, Richard, entered awhile ago. To be honest, I don't want this. I don't like doubting my partner but he's being completely weird this past few weeks and my instinct was telling me that there is something off.

Blinding lights and a loud cheerful music kind of shocked me when I entered the bar since this is my first time visiting one despite of my age. I looked around and was surprised to see many people making out in almost every corner of the room.

The smell of strong alcohols and cigarettes entered my nostrils and it was too strong that I needed to cover my nose with a handkerchief.

After looking around more, I finally saw Richard. However, what I saw broke my heart. Wow.

I smiled bitterly as I look at my boyfriend kissing a girl so passionately that he feels like a stranger to me.

Moreover, the way he intimately holds her is so unfamiliar too. He looks like he's so passionately in love and hungry at the same time for the woman he's holding. He never holds me that way. Did he even looked at me and held me like that? Or I just can't remember?

I was about to turn around and leave when they suddenly parted, giving me the chance to have a look at the woman he's holding. Then I looked down and chuckled lowly.

That woman. She is Kristine, my best friend. He's kissing my best friend. My boyfriend is kissing my best friend. My boyfriend is intimately holding and kissing my best friend.

I bit my lower lip and wanted to lash oit and broke down but I don't want to look so pathetic that I hurriedly made my way out of the bar. I didn't even noticed how my handkerchief fell down nor how my hands are trembling. I just…

I just want to leave.

But before I can get out of that goddamn place, my eyes met a set of dark eyes. Those eyes were looking at me with mixed concern, anger and worry yet nonetheless those emotions didn't hide how soft his gaze went when he realized I saw him and I am looking at him.

The man I am looking at paused for a second before walking quickly towards me, his hand reaching searching his pockets and the next thing I knew, warm hands held my hands and a clean handkerchief were placed on my palm.

“Use this to cover your nose, Elle.” The man said on my ears, holding me on the shoulders and guiding me out of the place.

When we're out, I heard him grumbling.

“Fvck it. You know that you have an asthma and yet you entered such a place? Are you trying to make yourself sick?” He keeps on, his eyesbrows were creased in concern.

Ah, he's Damien. I've known him since high school but we're never friends nor strangers.

Looking at him, I suddenly had the urge to cry my heart out and so I did. I hid my face on his chest and plead in a low tone, “Please take me far away from him. Please Damien…”

Damien seems to froze before he carried me in his arms and walked carefully until we reached his car parked on the side of the bar.

He opened the door and put me carefully in the passenger seat before sitting on the driver seat. He looked at me with a worried eyes. He took the handkerchief ftom my grips and gently wiped my tears away but gave up when I kept on crying.

Damien inhaled softly and suddenly cupped my cheeks to kiss my forehead, “I warned you that not all people who shows you good things are genuine people. You just never listens, stubborn baby.” He whispered.

When did you said that again? I vaguely remember.

I cried once more that night in his arms as he just sat there and quietly accompanied me.

Days later when I finally had the courage and strength I needed. I broke up with Richard, talked to Kristine, and settled down everything between the three of us.

Furthermore, after that incident, Damien and I kept on touch. We became friends until he confessed his feelings.

“Actually, I sucks at bravery. I was too afraid to confess because you looked so distant y'know? No matter how softie you were, you still had this thing that makes everyone feels so distant. And although you are sensitive, you're oblivious to romantic feelings of those around you. You just brush everything off.”


“I am in love with you. Since high school, Elle. I am so in love with you that I became a coward in confessing it.”

Of course, I'm shocked and that talk lasted like hours with the conclusion that I don't know what I really feel towards him yet and he can wait.

Later on, he came to my family's house and introduced himself as my suitor.

True to his words, he waited. He waited until I am healed from my past relationships and enjoy my time.

He waited so patiently and when I asked how come he can wait so long for me, he answered: “I didn't even know I'm waiting y'know. I just really love spending time with you that I didn't even notice the time. Like I'll sleep waiting for tomorrow to start so that I could be with you again.”

“It doesn't matter what will be your answer at the end. It's my decision to wait for you.”

“Haa, beats me why I am so in love with you, dummy.”

Finally, when I know for sure that I am ready for a relationship and I confirmed my feelings for him, I gave him my “yes” which I expect that will make him happy but I didn't know…

I didn't know it will be like this.

We're on a sunset picnic on the seaside.

My heart is beating so fast. I think my palms are sweaty too.

“What is the date today, Dam?” I asked in a low voice, looking at the beautiful sunset. Dam is the nickname I gave him.

“Well it's…” He checked his phone where my picture of holding a bouquet of tulips and chocolates looking so incredibly happy is displayed, “March 16” He answered to my question.

“Hmm…” I inhaled and exhaled before speaking again, “Then today's marked our anniversary?” I almost choked up with nervousness. I didn't know saying yes was this tense.

“Huh? Anniversary?” His voice sounded do confused.

“Hmm, yes, our anniversary.” I chuckled when I saw him looking silly with his brows furrowed, “I am saying yes to be your girlfriend, dummy.” I laughed but froze later on when he just froze there.

No, he's staring at me like he's processing something beyond his comprehension. I almost panicked but stopped when tears started flowing down from his eyes that it made him more confused as he tried to wipe it away.

“Oi, oi, why are you crying?” My heart softened as I reached out to cup his cheeks.

Damien hugged my waist and I felt him trembling. He's trembling and I heard him sob on my chest.

“I think… I think I heard it wrong but can y-you repeat it for me?” He softly whispered.

I teared up too. Why is he like this?

“Yes. Yes. I am your girlfriend from this day onwards, Damien.” I said every words carefully and Damien just hugged me more like he doesn't want to let go now.


“I love you, Elle.” I suddenly heard him said. This isn't the first time he said it but it just felt so amazing.

“Hmm…” I love you… I love you too.

“I love you so much, Elle.”

I chuckled, “I love you, Damien.”

“I love you.”

© Trisha Ancuna