

inside the closet
omg he touches me and my skin ignites with every touch I feel so free so dare I say loved
he brushes my hair from my face to see tears in my eyes
why the tears he asked,
because I love u
wow that's great its it's perfect
no its not,because tomorrow you'll go and I'll go and I just can't do this anymore
what are u talking about ,doing what?
living my life on a pillow promise!
Do u love me? yes I respond,but I love me more
so u have a choice more like a chance to be with the one person who's heart beats for you
so tomorrow we walk out of here together no secrets no lies just love.
he responded, but my family my job
no your not getting it, for u I would cross a million oceans ,fight a whole army and die just to see u smile but u won't leave this place its it's so dark and lonely in here ,to afraid there gonna see u for the real u and not love u.
dont dont dont fucking ask me to choose,
oh no baby I'm not asking u to choose I'm telling u my bags are pack and either way I'm walking outta this place with my head held hi with or without the man I love
so what say u its almost check out time
the phone rings and he walks to pick it up
I turn and let myself out.
I saw him about a year later time took its toll.
he called to me even though his friends called me a fag
I simply turned to them and laughed
I can't hear u from inside ur closet