

Story 1
Why am I here? Where I should I start? What am I doing? What do you want? Sooo poetizer, poetizer those rascals. I sure do like a fresh start. That wild ramble. Big o tangled mess of ... me.
No organization on that app. I created a few profiles trying to help the cause .. I just make stuff worse .
I write alot I always have. Who knows what about . I write describing emotional turmoil, or how it feels to be me .
I like to write about pain .
I like to write about hate .
I like to write how ever I want
...... ..... ......
I don't write for notice
I don't write for fame
I write because I want to
it helps keep me stay sane.
I share stories and I tell secrets .
I hide the truths and squeeze the lies.
I speak of rage and bright lit skies.
...Haunted ... Damned ... slobbering fool.
I use these words as a weapon
The battles in me .
I fight along with mental health, I argue with myself.
I fly in space to walk with moons
I die inside to touch the stars
I live this life ... way to hard
I hate myself in love scars
I feel the bugs and catch the fli3s
I fuck things up just to see
When I close my eyes, if it's really me.
I hide from folks. I'll run from you .
Up on stage almost every day
These knives that steal the show
I hang my head and watch it flow
Dripping on the planks
Old wooden floors ...
...the single man the only chair...
Tying knots through out his limbs
Reflecting memories ... Revealing pain is how he lives.
Different colors in different ways.
The same old show he doesn't change
He speaks for free .. without harness
...He speaks for me ....
Switching roles with centipedes they crawl and scratch inside my mind.
..they march behind bloodshot eyes .
The portals to the end .
...I change alot ....
I'm wild and I'm free.
I share my life like it's on TV.
I speak in riddles just to be difficult
I encrypt and I insult ...
..I cradle punishment live with suicide inside my thoughts
I disagree and I contest .
I'm barely me when I confess .
I say all kinds of things
.... in a place like this.
I'm not easy to follow ...even harder to read ...
But here I am ... the introduction to the poison from me .
I'm an old ugly man with voices of a puppet.
Howling at the moon .
Welcoming keysNcages as he walks out the room.
Staring into nothing the no where I belong.
The bones of the nme...
.... The rambling of .....darkness
that gets ahold me
..... the keys to where it hides....
The pirate and his fool.
...The hounds he brings from hell.
...The language of the ghouls
The war inside a person .
lost inside himself ...

Pages without reason .
Line after line .
Never with conclusion ....
...the roll that tides his mind ..
The scribble of delusion, a scribe without a story .
A sentence of death for as long as he's alive.
Self absorbing punishment he writes about my life.
Sharing things about me I hide inside my mind
© keysNcages♣️