

we as human beings,
are so small, so small,
but what we do here feels so large,
so important, so invigorating,
and it makes us feel fortified,
our insignificance as a part of this universe,
is deranged in our brains,
our consciousness is ignorant,
so we neglect the truth about our arrogance,
self importance, vanity, and Deceit,
disembowels the way we think,
to fight for what's right,
so we can advance to unite,
instead we diminish,
we choose to perish,
the world drives for retribution,
instead of searching for a solution,
we are being tugged, like cattle into the slaughterhouse,
we fore-see the reckoning,
we can smell the death on our flesh,
bloodthirsty gods hunting without rest,
it's our blindness that keeps us wandering in the haze in the land of contradiction,
so I offer these words of aspiration,
do not lay down without a fight,
do not go gentle into...