

Global Health Care Proposal
Crazy people are the ones that come up with ideas that move things along. So here is my crazy idea I came up with after smoking weed. Some Sativa strain will do it every time.
Health Care Plan Defense.
Since the ultimate excepted healthcare package takes away from half of the military budget. ( we have to stress the point and put people on the spot and make them answer the question and confront millions of people.)Do you care more about the physical protection of your country and its assets; or do care more about the well being of your citizens? Those that have the ability to fight when necessary. And what would you be fighting for in the 1st place? Diminishing earthly supplies like fossil fuels. Prove that you have your countries best interest at heart by adopting the universal healthcare plan.
Now if the enemy comes knocking at the door, here is the plan. All military assets deploy to the space of the initial attack and immedialtly go  on the offensive. Included are all allies with in this UHCS and their maximum allowable deployable military forces. Not to exceed what they would need for home defense. In such an incident mass media publucations should be deployed to encourage citizens to take up arms in the name of homeland defense and become private contractors once the order is initiated to put forth internal defenses. They are not regular military and will not fall under the UCMJ considering they will fall under regular militia. They will be paid the same wages or not exceeding the same wages as regular military personal.They will be issued weopons by private weapons manufacturer at a discounted rate and allowed to keep them upon returning home. The richest 1 % are to contribute 20% of their yearly earnings and 9% of their
privately owned businesses revenue to fund the cause of the collective conscience or known as the greater good act of 2021. After the conflict is extinguished; all jobs will be given back to those who had to leave them in order to perform their service for their government. During this time no elections are to be held up. Elections will be held in accordance to the original documents that birthed them. No one will govern longer than their original term limits. Not even the president. During this time of invasion, The Commandant of The USMC will assume the role of Temp Commander of Military Forces only in the time of attack or home invasion .
That's Plan B.
I had to first introduce plan b in order to solidify my plan A. Plan B is the insurance policy for Plan A. There no holes. No excuses for why plan a won't work. If a lame ass excuse us given its only due to your hang ups and insecurities. Have some consideration for once in your life and stop being selfish. We have to think about the we from now on. We to move forward as  intellectuals and individuals or we won't evolve into the best versions of ourselves. The human beings we where always meant to be. That time is upon us. That time is now. There are apparently millions of people dying. Well since many of you  want to be so animated about protecting people from disease, yet no one can come up with a logical solution; I did. Instead taking on such an intolerant attitude, I decided to come up with a possible global health care plan to ensure the quality of life but the physical and mental wellness of every citizen world wide. There is absolutely no reason this cannot happen and it must in order to ensure the survival of the human species. I am just as passionate about people's lives as others with their petty discrepancies about each other. I want to see the human species evolve into the best that we can manifest. This is just the start of my plans. The Global Healthcare Sytsem isn't going to take any ones individual liberties away. In fact no one is permitted to add ANY type of shady little agenda just in order to inact this plan. It takes the ego out of things. There is no reason to add anything because this plan or idea is perfect as is and needs no revision. So keep your pens to your self or walk out out of what ever room we are in. Show some respect to someone who came up with a solution to every problem we have right now.
- 1 care giver, advocate and admin assistant for every 4 patients. This will create jobs and increase revenue through out the surrounding communities. Win win situation. No excuses now that money is generated. This is also a global not just locally affected. In fact taxes could now be slightly raised now due to low unemployment rates.
- Free training for future students of programs pertaining to those specific fields will be paid by the tax money generated.
FYI. No one in office will receive a  raise until progress reports from private citizens are filled out complete with a hand written signature with at least 40% approval rating comes back and is recorded to the IRS database. The tax money that usually goes to an annual raise will now cover costs for resources to job placement and education pertaining to the health care industry.
Costs to cover medication will be included in that revenue. Also a Government sponsored rehab center with a 5,000 max capacity rehab center should appear in every major city. Patients are to be set up to ween off any narcotic medication that could be addictive. Medical Marijuana is to eventually be the substitute for methadone or subs. I do have details in mind for that particular program that can be discussed at a later time. Moving along. Plan B was implemented because of this next statement. Most of you will ask, where is the money coming from? The defense budget of every country involved is to be cut in half. With this being in mind. How can we fight when we are to busy trying to eradicate a disease unlike anything we have ever faced. At least that's what everybody seems to think.  So lets treat it as such. Make healthcare our number one priority not our number one source if income. Seriously if your not with this plan then you truly don't give a shit about your country or your fellow human beings that inhabit and work hard to make your country run. Care about each other not your way of life or your bank accounts. Guess what every body dies and you can't take the money with you. I suggest we tighten our belts up grow some testicles and for once come together and make this world a better place than we left it. Lets start here right now. If you can make this happen you will be a part of a world wide revolution and part of history. You can tell the family that's gathered around you in your final moments that you are proud of yourself for the decision you made that made a difference. Thank you.
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