

A PEARL in the Snow
As the snow came down, I thought for a while...of a lifetime with you.
Then, you spoke of your man...and I squeezed your hand, as if to said, "forget about him, it will all be okay".
Then, I looked into your magnetic eyes, which had drawn my heart inside, your sweet loving soul...and
Low & behold a vision of wonderful stood at my side.

And then, with each step I took, deeper you sunk, into my heart and soul.

We spotted a bridge, it reminded me of kids....as we ran under it that day.

A snowball I'd made, somehow I grazed you off your back. I ran with content, but I knew that meant...
You'd get me back !

I slowed down with easy, you caught me, "I teased ". As the snow fell down that day.

The kiss you gave,
only made.....the snow melt around us

As, we started to leave,
I just couldn't believe,
It was happening, so soon.

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