

My teas
Ones upon a time there lived a boy called Johnson in a remote village called Bova . He was a very good boy who lived with his parents called Mr and Mrs Motutu . Every day when he comes back from school, he discovered his mother had already prepared food and had already left with his father to where only God knows where. Because of this free space, he conceived the idea of making good use of his free time. So he decided to go and see one of his friends called Mbome. They both decided to work after school as carpenters and also asked for permission from their parents. After a while they started earnings money but later on Johnson was uncomfortable because Mbome and the rest of the boys working in the carpentry work shop started talking hard drugs. When he told his parents that he would like to quit the job they refused because they also benefited from the money he earned. When he tried to tell them what was going on they shouted at him and went to bed. The next day, he was forced to take the drug they took but he refused . When it was their break, his friends soaked garri and added the drug to it and called for him to join them. This went on for some time and then when his friends told him , he was angry and from that day upward he became addicted. His education and future was gone. When his parents noticed a change in behavior, they tried to question him but it was too late. When he was in his right sense , he would regret but he could not do much because he was addicted. One day he went to a counseling office and when he had finished explaining, they asked him why he never told his parents and he said because they were too money minded , never cared about his safety , never cared to build a communication network between their children from a tender age. The councilor on hearing this adviced him to go to a rehab center . After some time he was no longer addicted so he started school again and when he grew up, he became a counselor for children and as for his parents, they were at shame for what they did and went around sharing their child's experience and teaching parents and children to be in constant communication with each other.