

It was glorious automn morning, I do have always stock of all food iteam with me, as I am a foodie. But this time I forgot to carry my favourite little heart biscuit from house.
I thought,। will walk near by shop to purchase a new packet.
Oh shit... My crush was standing outside of shop,how can I go?
Finally I succeed to reach their. He is none other than my senior.
After certain peace he started giggling towards at me and handed a cup of tea and looked into my eyes
while I tried it, it was the best thing I’d ever tasted.
My heart still tingle and eyes were blushing,
He looked at me with a cautious smile.
So is this your favourite biscuit ? holding a little heart biscuit in hand.
I was so shocked!!
Hw? he came to know about my taste? It's little awkward moment but happiest feelings ever.
He whispered on my ear Ava can I borrow your little heart ?
The person I like most it's you.
I was speechless at that moment.
If it was dream rather wake up I would like to prefer sleep.
@priyadarshini panda