

A toxic game of chess part 3
Suddenly, Arki realized Bishop James was in a perfect position to kill her.And it was the blacks turn!
James sprinted forward before the king could command him to.But instead of killing Arki,he grabbed her hand and leapt off the war field,into the abyss beside it.Arki screamed as he ran like lightning down the side of the dark abyss,and realized that bishop James's black appearance started to change to white.His brown eyes turned to blue and his long black hair to short,sparkling white.The abyss was endless,and James Suddenly leapt to the other side of the abyss and raced up.He carried her all the way to a cave,and set her down,ready to explain.
Arki:Are you a spy-for the whites or are you -
James-I am not a spy,I am the-
Arki-Are you-
James-I will explain,I am the white king's son-
He suddenly grabbed Arki's hand and jumped out of the cave just as a fleet of arrows flew into the cave.
To Be Continued.....