

Act Out Oh No
I was walking to. the car
an I see a shadow in the
night lite sitting on the stone
up high but he told her the story
of why?
I am out hear cause I walk the
night looking for a way to servive
in this pandemic.
You have not seen what this mind
set has done. The rashinall people
have become up set. New rules
apply and price raisin going on
I report it but . Businesses just trying
to break even. And make the money
so they can earn a career back cause
a lot of jobs been closed up plus some stores and speciality shops and other
stores. So once he jumps down off the wall he says that's why I am going in this store now and Robb it don't come in
it's my need that got me and no I don't
want a number of people to get hurt
S I back away from him an say hey man I see nothing. And walk back to my car
And drive away. And cry cause I don't
want to be harmed by people and I see
an say nothing and I find you police
had a camera in store and got him
off the streets but. But what about others feeling this way. Just want
to know. Can this world ever go back the way it was before the pandemic.