

Embers Dawn Along the Ashen Path 2:1
Embers Dawn Along the Ashen Path
Chapter 2 Section 1: Quest of uncertainties
------ Story from the vault ------

Must I risk what little progress I’ve made to wander deeper into the abyss. “it cannot be” escaped me in disbelief, fearing what I could face looking the devil in the eye. Am I destined to die on a loveless field of lost souls. The sweat from my brow trailed down my face, feeling my efforts will be hopeless.. “leave him” echoes loudly, “he knows the consequence of war, he shall reap its rewards, peace or fight again another day”. What if I am mistaken and I lose my life. But even if that’s a comrade in need regardless who it might be. I cannot Forsake a brother even those not blood. As my quarrel ends, a new batch of arrows Blackens the sky again. Without hesitation I began to run approaching a sword & a shield. I slide grabbing the first thing my hands could reach unaware what I’ve picked.

My arm feels weighted,
my steps a little slower, adrenaline pushes me through unpleasant terrain. The whispers louder, the echoes of arrows cut through the air rippling like thunder. A horrific scene .. suicide. These shadows are closer, taunting me, my life flashes, I hear children laughing. My brother and I along the river, he’s teaching me how to swim, showing me panicking doesn’t stop you from sinking. An arrow pierces my thigh, I’m still running, the air is getting thicker, smoke from the explosion is harsh here. My leg was already numb, I couldn’t feel what happened but I knew it was there. The closer I got the more arrows I encountered. The few arrows release prepared for the arrows immediately after. But before they came I dived, pulling out what I had picked up along the way.

What I was holding was heavy,
but the arrows made it unbearable to hold. My eyes slowly open seeing black & red. The arrows have replaced the grass planting themselves as natural pieces of the environment. Blood filled my eyes.. I failed. I felt a hand on my chest, I opened my eyes To see my brother wounded. An eye missing, a few fingers too, but he said to me “you shouldn’t have come, now we both die in vein”. Hearing these words angered me. “losing you would be a great lose, & living would be difficult for me if I let you die on this field”.

© fruitfulodyssey