

Twenty-four: Close to Home
"It's remarkable that one event can have such a cataclysmic effect on people, but it takes a world destroyer to actually bring them all together. But by then, it's usually too late."


A #WRITCO Original Series






In the Outback, nothing is taken for granted. You're either one with nature, or you're prey. So many living creatures are simply looking for a square meal, and they're all deadly in their own way. The scorpions, spiders, piranha, snakes, crocodiles; the list goes on and on. And then there's the white man too, the apex predator. Me, I'm an aborigine; at least that's what they call me. One of the last few, held true to my tribe and village. I learned to hunt when I was three, made my first kill at five, and never look back. Yeah, I'm a young woman, 17, but I keep a string of gator teeth around my neck. It's a hobby and passion. I just enjoy being outdoors, and at peace with nature.

Today just struck me as different. When I hunted deer, it was almost too easy. Usually they'll see me coming, or smell my scent. This time they actually walked right up to me.


And I pet a doe and her fawn. I knew to them something was off. Then too the other creatures seemed to be more open and less hidden. Birds flew low to the ground (one flew right into a kangaroo pouch!). I didn't really get it until I looked up in the night sky and saw this incredibly large greenish blue hue growing in size. Never had I witnessed it, the magnificent brilliance of it was almost like daylight. I didn't realize then it was the reflection of a growing sun.

It got incredibly hot. Immensely! And I ran inside my hut to catch my breath. When daylight broke out a little bit later, no matter where you stood it was unbearable. The entire sky was nothing but sun. The ground itself began to heat up, and because Australia is predominantly parched anyway, things began to easily catch fire. First, it was small bush fires and some dry patches of grass. Then the trees in diverse places. The water pools heated up and began to boil. A young girl was running around in flames catching several huts on fire with people sleeping. Now they too were screaming.

I tried to douse my myself with water from my buckets and the fresh springs behind my house that NEVER heats up, and that's what kept me alive, seeing all this fiery death. My face was SO HOT, above the waters. So I completely immersed myself to cool off. When I came back up, I saw lots of animals trying to make their way here.

None did. Just burst into flames From underneath its protection, the sun looked like a cruel demonic terror, the corona large and thick you could almost reach out and touch it. Then something happened I never thought possible. The Eternal Spring actually began to heat up. I swam down to the lower depths and into a cooled cave. It was still a moderate temperature, actually a little chilly.

I could hear screams and cries from man and beast outside reverberate from inside the chamber, but I dared not go outside to look. There was a very loud rumbling that felt like a tremendous earthquake, but the ground didn't shake. Then it got exceedingly dark, I mean pitch dark everywhere. Even in the Outback it never got this extreme. Still, I didn't look even though it was painfully cold. I wrapped myself up in the foliage of the cave to warm myself, even started a fire. It was incredibly hard to maintained, but apparently it wasn't necessary to hold its warmth for long.

The heat returned with a vengeance!

I found myself tunneling deeper and deeper into this cave. It still retained its coolness but never for a long time. when I could go no further, I heard a very loud crackling sound. It took me a short while to figure out what it was. But the Earth itself was breaking up. I could actually start to see air and space meet through tiny slivers. As deep as I was, the coldness of the vacuum of space cannot be avoided forever. I don't know how long actually I survived in this small pocket of oxygen with this cave, but I do remember going dizzy and starting to faint.

I've never been a believer in a higher power. In fact, until today I never prayed once. But as those cracks became bigger and bigger, I realized there was indeed a Master at work here.

There has to be!

The Earth gone, would soon be me too, isn't it strange that God calls us from the most frightening situations? I saw the stars so brightly shining.

So beautiful.

Only in the vacuum of space was this possible.

So cold.

Fire, fire please. Nothing will light.

Leaves, bark, animal skins. Just too cold.

So cold!

Sooo coo(the rest is missing)


"No good thing lasts forever, or bad. One day it will all come to an end.
It is inevitable."

© I Am MichAel