


Nature paints subtle not vulgar,
The world has a certain finesse,
This is no natural northern lights,
It’s more like a human beings mess,
These people have probed the depth of their souls,
Most found it a nondescript puddle,
Yet arrogance pours out of every pore,
They lie fool, they cheat..and befuddle
“Solar flares”, screamed every headline,
Feathering well all their nests,
So they had some kind of answer for us when they’re put to the media’s test,
The unknown unheard of who run the whole show,
Whilst we are put shoulder to wheel,
They’re taking control of the weather itself,
They can even control how we feel,
Far up above us,the magnetosphere,
The one they were trying to siphon,
For free energy,they risked you and me,
Now it’s ruined and what we will die from,
They already told us they broke it,
A small parting piece on the news,
As though it was nothing more serious,
Than the new double rainbows you viewed,
So in flows the radiation from space,
Bringing a medley of cancers,
A range of them all, for the large and the small,
Because God’s tools were not made for chancers.
© katMaddi