

Personal Love Story
Beautiful woman, how transparent is thou blanket of care. Is it woven as a tapestry designed to wear. Love is the most amazing experience when trust is applied. If you trust me, there would be evidence in your eyes. I am asking can I move closer, to hear your heartbeat and you hear mine. Fully devoted. Emotionally invested. How would you know my eyes will tell you so. Trembling with anticipation. Please settle my nerves. Touch me then kiss me, without a single word. You're placed into my imagination where poetry comes alive. My gestures will remind you to stay close to my side. Become my enchanted, allow the magic to rise. In layers of romantic moments waiting beneath the sunrise. My imagination is flaring like a warm summer's night. Be kind to my wishes, it will release and take flight. Into the vast world of loving, we're drenched by its morning dew. Be patient my beautiful, in love forever with you.
© Daniel Mason