

Live & Die
Do you want to live because you are afraid to die? If you think something should be written about the question, go ahead and do so.

No, it is not true that I want to live as I am afraid to die but I want to live as it is too short or long for me to achieve eternity, I want to. I have come to realise that the life which is given to me prevails to be precious to me or others depending on me, that fulfilling whatever I think, wish, expect as death would be approaching anytime soon...A knock away from me or an eternity away, I never know. I am not afraid to die as it is the ultimate thing that everyone on the planet goes through, why be afraid if it is predestined, I want to live so that I just don't have my regrets behind, not the afraid to die...
- Feel through words
© Feel_through_words