

Jesus loves us unconditionally
In life I went through many obstacles...what saw me through is my faith in Jesus. The love of God is what got me through the difficult days...God loves His children unconditionally. It's the love of Jesus that can heal..

Gods a forgiving God...that's why He was crucified...to cover a multitude of sin. At the moment I'm faced with many obstacles but I know Jesus is on my side. He will help me overcome this.

Jesus loved me so much to save my life...about twenty years ago...His saving grace is upon me.

Jesus love and mercy endures forever...Jesus will always be the Only true God and light of the world...the Messiah...

Dear friends let us love one another, for love is from God..whoever doesn't love doesnot know God because God is a God of love...

The second coming of Jesus will be soon...So love one another ..Love is the greatest human emotion...

Gods love is like a rose.. Its beautiful and unique...It doesnot hurt...It is so profound. Nothing compares to his love..So always believe in Jesus...May God bless you always no matter what you have to endure ..never stop believing in Jesus always and He will always be there even until the end of time...until the second coming...until we see Jesus face to face...during the second coming of our Messiah...