

The perfect engagement.
The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table.
I was patiently waiting for her, nervous at the same time because I was going to propose to her. It was just the perfect place for the two of us to be at, the Eiffle Tower in France. What could have been the perfect place in France than the Eiffle Tower?
I requested a Mariachi band to play a soft sound as soon as She approached the table where I was sitting.
I also requested one of the waitresses to put the engagement ring in her glass of champagne. It was a well thought plan, everything seemed right
that night. But there was something that kept bothering me, I wasn't thinking about the perfect outcome. "What if she says no?", that was the only thing that kept bothering me.
It was around 10:30pm and I started to panic, "Is she going to show up or maybe she's decided to stay with her friends at home?". As I kept looking on my wristwatch, I heard a voice behind me exclaiming,"Wooow!". As I turned around to see what it was,"Omg", there She was.
Beautiful as they come, it was like the first time seeing her. Everyone there kept staring at her,"Is this my Palloma?", I asked myself. As soon as She approached our table, the Mariachi started playing that lovely sound, one can describe as,"A rhythm of an angel". I was on my feet and quickly moved the chair for her to take a sit.
"Hi", She said. I was still trying to figure out what I was to say to her. "Ooh sorry, Hi, I'm really nervous you know", I said. She smiled and laughed.
"I assume that's a good sign". I couldn't stop staring at her, her face was that of a goddess and her body was a perfect masterpiece.
What is the worst thing that could possibly happen at such a lovely time.
We ordered something to eat. As we where waiting for the food, the waitress that I had earlier given the engagement ring, looked at me from a distance and I nodded my head. The waitress brought the glasses of champagne already filled. It was a perfect setting. As we where talking and drinking the champagne, she exclaimed,"Omg". Is this for real George? "What is for real my love?", I asked her. Is this a ring, she said.
Now the most difficult part of that night came. What shall I tell her?
I looked at her, got on my knees and said,"Palloma, you are the only girl that I want to share my moments with, So Palloma, will you marry me?"
This was the most terrifying moment of my life. She looked at me, with tears coming out of her eyes, she said to me,"George, do you know what you are doing?" I said to her,"Palloma, I love you". She smiled and laughed. I didn't even realise it that everyone was looking at us. She said in a soft voice,"Yes". I asked her what that was and this time, in a loud voice She said,"Yessss!". Those two 'Yeses' where the most important 'Yeses' of my life, even now. Everyone who was present that night stood to their feet and applauded for us.
As everyone kept applauding, I heard a loud voice calling out my name,"George..., George...
, George...". Woke up, you are late for work. I opened my eyes and realised that everything that had happened was a dream. I laughed and said to myself,"A dream worth living as a reality"....End!!!