

Changing, transforming into a confident man. Building incredible strength, writing with a stern hand. As my imagination captures, connecting words written as a parable, learning the preface of positive verbs. Shared as geometric symbols while scribbling them all over the wall. They are prone to become hieroglyphics written as historical moments etched in stone. Changing, but no one will assist me. Becoming relevant with everything I do. My name becomes an imaginary passport, beginning to travel far away from unsettling news. As my mind transforms into a prism, the white beam became the second I was reborn. Facing obstacles. Never bending to its will. Shaping into heavy rocks upon the earth, mimicking as a far way cave. Preparing myself for another emotional day. Then I shall embody the obstacles of changes, with noticeable evidence, reflecting in the mirrors of my eyes. No surprises. Upsetting moments await me. However, I shall become the bark of a redwood tree. Standing erect and powerful, because what I've become is who I shall always be. Changing.
© Daniel Mason