

A Romantic Revenge part -6
The face off -
The next class was practicals. Kuhu is already nervous but doesn't showing it , though July can feel it so she walked all the way to prac room from class comforting her.

"Juli thanks, but you don't have comfort me anymore because I realy doesn't feel hurt for these. What she said is true from head over hills ."

" No , actually there are so many peoples in this world and they all have different perspective to see and judge it's creations. Roma is also a telented but pitiful soul I know. She have struggled almost half of her life . That's why she is so sharp tongued ."

"Oh Juli , I  realy have to say you are an amazing person . I almost cried. Thanks but where did you learned all these HOLY words".
" Oh , come on that nothing special. I go to church for prayers once in day ."

"I see, miss prist ."

Those girls headed to the class giggling among themselves . Kuhu entered into the prac room for the first time. It was a big room everyone is practicing in different parts. one girl is stretching , bending in the gym ball . Another girl is helping her with
Lifting her legs up. Many were busy practicing free style . Some girls were busy with the notes . Sometimes a little high and sometimes in a little low scale. Suddenly they started to making gestures with their cheeks and lips.
" Hey,July what they are doing? " Kuhu said in confusion.
"They are exercising mouth extension it will help you while singing ."
Kuhu never thought of this even in her

dream. A bunch senior kids came in , they are following the the lady in the middle. She have blonde hair ( artificially coloured) ,
brown eyes, she was wearing her gym clothes like Juli . She stepped in and put a gaze in Roma . It was like an end of an United march .
"Hei , Rom how is your ankle? Pretty well or again you have an excuse to run away from us?.

AHAAHAAAHAHA......The whole room is bursting in laughter. Kuhu almost forgot that Roma was here now she noticed her angry as well as ashamed face . Juli took the lead
" Oh , hi cheaters Roma's ankle is fine so you don't have to worry for her , instead worry about your butts which she will crush in this this year's annual showcase Ok."

Another round of laughter formed in 9 th batch. Boys in the sides are about start a fight . When madam Das came in .

"STOP IT girls , did you guys started again. Stop it and start your reharshal. "
" Yes mam , let's have a face off then .My ankle is fully recovered after the monthly evolution." Roma said .
"Seems like everyone is in mood. I have no problem as long as it helps your training."

The hole crowd parted in two teams. The air feels still , an explotion about happen. Kuhu feels like it is the silence before a storm. The audience already started cheering with their names . Juli is also stretching cause she will give company to Roma. Before she goes Kuhu asked one last thing who is she ?

"Lili , from 10th combine department, and our all time enemy in dance showcase."
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