

Remedy to a Homesick Heart


Strolling through the dark alleys,
of this cold saddened world.
I had forgotten of hope, of care,
the comfort of a hug's warm curl.

Through endless nights,
stars dimmed and fade,
A heartache's melody, softly played,
Until... You came.

And in your arms,
there was spark of light,
A beacon of love,
gleaming in the darkest night.

In the timeless dance of hours,
days, and months,
You wove a tapestry of healing,
defying life's stunts.

Piece by piece,
You gathered the shards of the heart,
A touch of love, and care
together part.

Turning pain into strength,
as the soul pledges.
Each old scar became a symbol of care,
Of hope that still remained.
I felt you, post the world's disdain.

I could be a child again.

You felt like an echo of a long-lost home, Amidst chaos, a familiar tone.
I found roots deep and true,
A nurturing grace,
like the home I once knew.

"Can't thank enough"

for who you are to me,
you're the most, that one can be...
A healer of love.
A reminder of care and hope.

In the canvas of my heart, you shine bright,
A beacon of love in the darkest night.
For who you are to me, words fall short,
A healer of love, a divine escort.

A remedy,
To a homesick heart.

© #Sherlocked