

Last Person On Earth
November 18, 2012. Virus leaked among the population of Beijing, China.

November 22, 2012. The Internet got banned in many countries and states by the government.

November 25, 2012. The government drops a nuclear bomb on Antarctica, which was full of the infected ones. It neutralized all; including survivors.

December 4, 2012. Africa, Antarctica, and South America became infected zones. 20% of Eurasia became infected.

December 24, 2012. Infected broke into Asia through sealed facilities.

December 31, 2012. Planet Earth is no more a place for the living.

I still remember walking with my mother down to the market with my tiny hand clutched to her finger. And I also remember the day my mother attacked me after getting infected.

I had to die that very one day, if only my younger brother didn't come to stop her and get infected himself. I remember some memories of him, which are now fading away slowly. Memories where my mother asks him to be a priest to which he replies how will he continue our family tree if he becomes a priest, as he won't be able to marry.

My wish to live and survive here is dying slowly. No one to talk to or to fight. I miss the traffic on the roads, the live news on the news channel, watching YouTube on my free time. I miss it.

Days have turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months to a never-ending year. As I walk down the street at night, I don't get the feeling of being scared anymore, cause if there were any ghosts left too. Probably they may also die from the virus.

As I eat my last meal, I realize how lonely now the world is. We used earlier this phrase as a metaphor to tell society's reality. But now this is reality.

After the meal, I climbed up my building to admire the view of this world; just for one last time. I could see the school I went to, the college I graduated from, and the place I taught in.

Now I stare down on the ground to make my leap of faith, and end this suffering called 'Life'. And as I jump I feel the lift on my body as if it wants to fly up and into infinity but instead it dives down. I have a smile on my face while I watch my end come near. Cause after this, I could meet my mother and brother, and be with them again.

© Allen George