

If I could write a letter to a book character…
If I could write a letter to a book character it would be to the Chief elder in the novel, The Giver, by Lois Lowry. If I could write a letter to her, this is what I’d say.

Dear Chief Elder,

I have written to inform you about how your recent actions have led to inequality in your community. In your hopes to create a eutopic world, you have taken away your citizens' memories of the past. Through removing their memories, you have unintentionally affected their ability to learn and form decisions. 

To elaborate, without memories, we would have no morals, beliefs or values to base choices off of. This would create a bland, shallow society. By removing memories, this is what will become of your community. 

However, I have not just written to you to belittle and mock your decisions. I have a solution to solve your drastic issue. Take advice from the Giver, he is a wise man. He will teach your citizens about the importance of pain and loss. How it teaches us about growth. Without negative events, we forget how to love. 

Furthermore, allow your citizens to stop taking their pills. They are diminishing your society’s cognitive thinking and emotional skills. With the pills, your community will continue to lack creativity and drive. Without these traits, they will become lazy, and forget how to be productive.

I hope you take my ideas into consideration. As humanity, we have a moral obligation to pursue what we believe is right. I really do believe they will help brighten the future of your community.
Thank you,


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