

the meet up
The letter carried brief instructions: 'Meet me at the corner of the street', it read. But who was it from? At first I was hesitant because I was scared for my dear innocent life. But again curiosity killed the cat. fearless Kiara is who I am and I will definitely meet the person. 'don't you think you should carry a weapon' my conscious questions, well you k ow dear conscious.....even if I carry a weapon I'll die. In case you have forget last month's incident. Well last month I literally let a cockroach walk all over me while holding the cockroach killer in my hands. Weird much.

I take my phone and leave it in record so that if anything does happen to poor old me I can have my murderers jailed. I walk out the house excited, not. I walk and as I get closer my heart beat races, I'd probably win the race if there was something called heart race. I get there and before I can call out to whoever is there, I am hit by something that felt really hard and black dots filled my eyes. RIP Kiara.

I'm woken upfront my peacefulbeauty sleep by distant voices.Why in the world are the neighbors yelling. 'you're so stupid, you passed out because they hit you head dummy' honestly I forgot. "you killed her you idiot" I hear a chirpy voice say with what sounded like a sob, What in the check! "No you meatball she's asleep, I hope" another says. WHO exactly are these people talking like I'm not here? 'Stop being stupid Kiara, they hit you and you passed out. You're the only one that knows you're alive' oh yea. when I open my eyes I see a crying Adam. "Why the he'll dId you kidnap me Adam?" I ask trying not to laugh at the situation. "Well I wanted to tell you I....uhh beautiful, I mean I love yo....uhh" he says scratching the back of his neck. I already know what he wants to say. "I love you too Adam" I say.

With that I hear gunshots. Why in the world? I just confessed love.