

I saw her at first day of school,
she neglected me as a fool.

She was so gentle,
I got mental.

She was a topper,
I was a dropper.

She seems not to be interested in me,
but I continued to be me.

Boys and girls know about us, but she didn't give me her looks. She called me idiot, make fun of me, in front of my buddy.

I take it lightly,
as I was in love with her slightly.

I didn't confess but she knew,
that I can give her my brew.

One day she smiled looking me,
I thought she approved me.

But she was bitch,
planning a pitch,
to make my throat twich.

She used me as a money supplier,
and I was not aware of her.

After a while,
I became alive.

I asked her why she did this shit,
she replied I am not a lit.

I said fuck off,
and let's see who suck off.

I study hard, hold firm my back,
to bend her back.

I topped the class,
her eyes became as wide as her ass.

She cried, I laughed.
She yelled, I smiled.
She gone mad, I became bad.
She became angry, I became happy.

She realised her mistake,
came to me in distress.

I said don't be rude,
because anybody can become dude.

My love for her turned into hate,
but her fun for me into a drastic change.

© Rohit