

Is this love?
· Stupid B**h
· Retarded B***h
· B***h a*s
-You are not good enough
-You need to be in a relationship with a f****ng therapist.
-The only problem I have is getting angry with your retarded a*s
-You are the definition of the devil. You love stealing people’s time.
-Worry about your problems b***h
-You have thousands of problems
-You are not marriage material
-You are not wife material
-You’re not that special
-You are deadweight
-You sound f****ng retarded
-Your logic is f****ng retarded
-You’re a delusional black woman
-You’re delusional
-The more I talk to you the more I grow hatred for you.
-You need psychological help.
-If you’re not with me you shouldn’t be with anybody except a therapist until you get your mental s**t together.
-You are dumb as f**k
-You love toxicity and dysfunction
-I settled for you.
-You’re delusional
-I had way better options to choose from than you but I chose you.
-I pretty much raised you
-You can go kill yourself
-You are a b***h
-Have a nice life b***h
-I will beat your a*s bro
-There’s a lot of s**t wrong with you
-F**k your dad
-I’m willing to change if you change
-I feel like I raised you.
-You have to change first in order for me to change.
-F**k this b***h
-If you really loved me I shouldn’t have to convince you.
-No one loves you except for me.
-I am the only person that loves you.
-Shut the f**k up you stupid b***h
-Go kill yourself you dumb b***h
-You’re not a princess nor are you a queen
-Don’t f***ing question me b***h
-Your emotions are f***ed up
-You are a liability
-You add no value to me.
-You add no value to my life.
-You love dysfunction
-You are the cause of my suffering
-You are part of my suffering
-You are a dead weight
-You’re not a real woman
-You have mental issues
-If you were doing your job as a woman I wouldn’t be attracted to other girls or have feelings for other girls.
-You’re not smart enough
-You’re pathetic
-Nobody wants to be around you
-Not even your mom wants to be around you.
-You are broken
-You deserve to be called a stupid b***h
-Any guy that likes you is retarded or something is wrong with them.
-You are delusional
-You’re f****ng stupid
-You don’t know anything
-You don’t know s**t
-You’re not worth it
-You can’t do simple s**t
-You’re a waste of time
-immature a*s b***h
-You thrive off toxicity
-You’re stealing my time
-You give people reasons to give up on you
-You’re not a real woman
-You can go kill yourself b***h, die!
-Get a f***ing brain, you stupid b***h
-F**k off clown.
-You are a joke.
-You’re dead to me.
-You are broken.
-I’m the only one that care about you
-You are not normal.
-You can’t even give me a hug that’s how pathetic you are.
-You are a weak woman
-I feel if we had a child together, they would probably have a mental disability.
-I have never hated a girl before the way I hate you.
-I have never wanted to hit a girl so badly, until I met you.
-Your mind is f***ed up
-I kind of wish you were more like Kayla.
-Go kill yourself you stupid b***h
-you’re like a lost cause
-you’re a lost cause
-I feel more connected to Kayla than I do to you.
-you are a sad case.
-You’re no use
-You’re a lame a*s goofy
-You pathetic a*s piece of s**t
-You’re worthless
-You’re dead to me
-You are a Gaslighter.
-If I did something you would be dead.
-You are dead to me
-You act like a b***h. So you are going to be called a b***h
-Man I wish I could knock your a*s out
-if you get an abortion I’ll kill you. Or I wouldn’t talk to you ever again.
-You add no value to anyone’s life
-I’m miserable being around you
-I don’t know why you’re still here
-I hope you bleed to death. Die.
-Go kill yourself you stupid retarded b***h
-Go kill yourself you stupid f***ing b***h
-You’re the type of girl that would make a guy want to murder you
-You’re the type of girl that will make a guy commit a homicide.
-call the police on me and I’ll kill you and your whole family
-You’re psychotic
-You’re lucky I can’t put my hands on you
-I don’t like you
-I’m miserable with you
-You’re annoying asf
-Go kill yourself you f*****g stupid b***h
-No other guy wants you and if they do they’re losers that don’t have anyone else and they’re f****g retarded.
-you’re delusional
-You are a stage 5 clinger
-You’re a professional stupid a*s
-You bring no f***ing value
-Irritating as f**k
-You are very emotionally unstable
-You’re a time stealer
-You’re f***ng annoying
-You’re an energy vampire
-You’re a stage 5 clinger
-There’s no benefit of marrying you
-Retarded a*s
-I allow myself to be with you
-I settled for you.
-Stop acting like a b***h and I wouldn’t call you a b***h
-I would tell you to kill yourself but I know that you’re struggling with your mental health.
-You’re a walking problem
-You are the slowest b***h I’ve ever seen.
-Your parents gave up on you a long time ago because they know you’re a joke.
-You’re not good enough for me.
-You’re the devil in my life.
-I’ll pay someone to beat you up.
-You are a joke
-Waste of space
-No other man wanted you
-Shut your b***h a*s up.
-You are an evil person.
-You are the definition of bats**t crazy
-Shut the f**k up, you stupid b***h
-You ain’t nobody to me
-You’re nothing to me
-You ain’t s**t to work for
-Normal girls don’t act like you
-You won’t be anything without me.
-You are a sad case
-You are entitled to want your chair pulled out, or for doors to be opened for you, and for a guy to pay for the first date. (You’re not worthy of those things)
-No I don’t love you
-No I don’t care about you
-I think you deserve to be talked to this way
-The only value you bring to my life is writing a script or writing me papers
-Sad f*****g piece of s**t
-goofy a*s b***h
-Go kill yourself
-You f*****g parasite
-You’re a joke
-You act like a b***h
-You might as well give up on your life
-You are a walking mistake
-You are the worst sex partner I’ve ever had.
-Your mom making you was a mistake
-You are damaged goods
-You need to work on your f****ng mental s**t
-Goofy B***h
-You do stupid s**t
-Go be a terrorist in someone else’s life
-Slow a*s
-Clown a*s
-This is why I call you a b***h
-You f***ing goofy
-Dumb a*s
-It’s hard being nice to you
-You were “easy”
-During one of our breakups I was going to have sex with another girl.
-Your feelings are negative
-You are a weak woman.
-Clown a*s
-I’m in love with Kayla your friend.
-You f*****g clown
-You’re draining
-You f**king clown
-You f**king retard
-You are a dumb b***h
-You are a stupid b***h
-You are a cancer in my life
-Goof a*s
-Kayla looks better than you.
-I’m starting to hate you.
-You are a p***y to everyone else. But you stand up to me.
-Shut your goof a*s up
-I don’t need p***y from you, I’ll get it from someone else.
-Trust me there’s no lust here, you have to have sex right before there could ever be lust.
-You’re not normal
-I don’t want you in my life.
-I think there is something wrong with you.
-You are a horrible person.
-You are very mean.
-You are not a nice person.
-I wish I could knock your a*s out.
-I wanted to beat your a*s
-You allow everyone to disrespect you, but you stand up to me.
-Other girls or Normal girls don’t act like you.
-I don’t think I will ever fall in love with you.
-Shut your clown a** up
· Pathetic
-You’re ruining my trip (4 day trip in Alabama)
-You’re supposed to be my peace, but you’re making things worse.
-You’re annoying
-You’re dead to me
-You are an energy vampire.
-You’re annoying as f**k
-If you don’t perform oral sex on me another girl will.
· You are a character.
-Everything is so difficult with you.
-Everything is so complicated with you.
-You can’t do anything right.
-You can’t do simple s**t
-You f**k everything up.
-I have never called someone I loved a b***h before.
· Is this B***h retarded?
-You don’t look breathtaking.
-You have no street smarts or book smarts
-I don’t need a weak woman.
-You don’t know s**t
· It’s hard for me to not insult you or call you b****es.
· I don’t know if I love you anymore.
· I don’t love you.
· I don’t want you in my life.
· You are a cancer in my life.
· You make my life hard.
· I can do bad all by myself.
· Dumb B***h
-“What's wrong with this girl?”
-I don’t know what’s wrong with you.
· Loser
· You ain’t s**t
· You are a liability.
· F**k you.
· Goofy
-I settled with you.
· I tolerate you.
· Something is wrong with you mentally.
· You’re the worst sex partner I’ve ever had.
· You’re not normal.
· You’re slow.
· The only value you add to my life is by having sex.
· You add no value to my life.
· You have no intelligence.
· Your feelings are not valid.
· I think you have a mental disability.
· You’re not that special.
-You’re not special.
“I must be a loser. I can't even convince a 20 year old to give me what I want.”
I must be a loser. I can’t even convince a 19 year old to give me what I want.”
· You won’t be anything without me.
· You are not wife material.
· I only see you as a baby mama.
· You are hard to love.
-You don’t have to be scared to get your a** beat
-If things continue to be argumentative like this in the future “I would murder you.”
-You’re going to make me go to jail for a murder charge.
-I made you my world.
· You are unlovable.
-You are not interesting.
· Narcissist
-It’s hard for me to not call you a b***h
-You are a b***h.
· You need mental help.
· Something is wrong with you.
· Difficult
-Shut the f**k up.
· Useless
-I wish I could have a girl beat you up.
-I will pay a girl to beat you up.
· I hate you.
· I say mean things to you because I can’t hit you.
-Man I wish I could knock you out.
-All you do is complain
-I won’t stop looking at other girls.
-You are draining.

I’ve endured all of this.
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