

300 Seconds
Would it be selfish
Would it be cruel
Would it be too much to ask
Would i be a dreamer
To wish to be lonely with you
In a world, in a time space
Where nothing else but us matters
In a place where time stands still
No could have, should have, would have beens

Would it be too much
To want to be stuck with you in a place where its enough to be just us
Where i can feel your heart beating over the deafening silence
I wouldn't be asking for too much would I
If i wanted the world to dissolve, to fade away
If i wanted us to be the only color when all else turned grey

300 seconds to love you recklessly, without restraint
Without thought about what tomorrow will bring
To just be with you, feel you, kiss you, love you
300 seconds to hold onto you without fear that we might not have forever
To breathe in the now, feeling you all around me

Would it be selfish
Would I be unkind
If all i wanted was for the whole world to freeze for a while
And i got to love you with everything I am
Even if there never was another time
Never one more hour
I would have had my forever
300 seconds is all i ask
Just 5 minutes

© Black Mango