

You gently sifted through the debris of my shattered heart
Picking up the pieces with me and for me when it was too painful

It might be a while before my heart is whole again i told you
We will take it slow, piece by piece you said
My voice started to break and i asked why you would do that for me
You looked right into my eyes and said because you love me

You patched up every emotional wound with your kindness
Bandaged every cut with your tenderness
And with a gentleness you stripped off my armor

You held me close and your warmth thawed my frozen heart
I felt your heart beating and it reminded me to listen to my own heartbeat

You were patient with me
You were kind
You were my crutch
You were my aspirin when it hurt to breath

You had me see myself through your eyes
And i saw not a damaged woman, not half a woman
I saw all the things that I am, that i could be
Strong, powerful and beautiful with so much to give

You loved me enough for the both of us
You gave me wings and flew with me
You risked your heart to save mine
You were my hope when my world was bleak

You loved me when no one else would
You believed I could fly like an eagle even when i was a wounded dove
For that i love you more than i will ever love another
because you showed me there is so much strength in brokenness
For you i cast my fears aside and risked it all
Leaping in blind faith knowing you'd catch me
I love you because you loved me even when i couldn't love myself


© BlackMango