

A Vision in my Dream
I got a vision in my dream
Even though I was wide awake
It's was somewhat like an idea
More like a wild imagination
Feel like when your mind is playing tricks on you.

“And After death each person would return 30 years later for 3 years, and then vanish again until eternity.”

My late great grandparents came back in 2020
They recognize my parents but have no knowledge of me or my kids that look as young as I do.

I was fascinated by their history, their stories, their Simple and humble upbringing.
We re introduced them to the new and modern world, but they have no patience nor taste for it,
So they decided to spend a year, my parents begged, I pleaded, my kids cried but they refused and left after a year.

I hope when and if I return I won't find the world so frightening.