

Beyond this World
**Beyond This World**

In the stillness of the twilight,
Where the veil of life grows thin,
Lies a realm of endless starlight,
Where new journeys can begin.

Through the tunnel, soft and gleaming,
To a light so pure and bright,
We are carried, gently dreaming,
To the shores of boundless night.

There, the whispers of the ages,
In a symphony of grace,
Guide us through celestial stages,
To a warm, embracing space.

Here, the echoes of our sorrows
Fade into the endless sea,
And the dawn of new tomorrows
Shines with love eternally.

Beings of a light transcendent
Welcome us with open arms,
In this world so pure, resplendent,
Free from earthly woes and harms.

Here, our spirits find their freedom,
In the dance of cosmic rays,
Bathed in the eternal kingdom,
Of the timeless, endless days.

Beyond this world of form and matter,
Lies a truth, serene and vast,
Where the heart's deep questions scatter,
In the light of peace at last.

So, we journey on, unknowing,
Through the realms of life and death,
With a faith in ever-growing
Love that lives beyond each breath.