

A Remembered Cry: ENDSARS Tragedy
20•10•2020, a tale unfolds,
The END SARS movement, courage it holds,
In Nigeria's heart, the youth did rise,
With voices united, under open skies.

We protested for justice, a call for reform,
Against police brutality, the anger warm,
Our voices echoed, Our demands were clear,
An end to the nightmare, we no more fear.

But tragedy struck, as darkness fell,
Innocent lives, in turmoil, they dwell,
Tears were shed, hearts heavy with pain,
In the midst of hope, a somber, dark stain.

Yet in this tragedy, a spirit emerged,
The resilience of a nation, undeterred,
The echoes of END SARS still resound,
A call for justice on hallowed ground.

Though shadows loomed, and our hearts were scarred,
The memory of that time is forever charred,
In our quest for justice, unity prevails,
A brighter future, where hope unveils.

© Pens with ehiamihc