

Take a break

Now just take a break,
I know you are tired,
I know you have work hard,
I know you have stayed up.
But do remember...
You need to relax,
So just take a break.

Just take a look outside,
Go and feel the breeze,
Just take a glance at the moon
Just take a pause, to look
At all this blessing ...
For nature is always pleasing .
You need to relax
So just take a break.

Just make a moment for your self
To give your best
You have to forget all your stress
You are trying your best
You need to relax
So just take a break.


Time is all we have
to make good use of.
Taking a pause doesn't mean,
we are not productive.
It is a beautiful journey
although long...
At times when
you feel exhausted
It is better to stop for a while and
take some rest... for healing your soul
becomes necessary
to give your best .
Enjoy the view, learn from your mistakes... Make sure to smile... And then, Begin Again.


© Rubina Ahmed