

Our Universe
We are just a speck
In the grand scheme of everything
A universe that is ever expanding
Our speck and stories are getting smaller
Isn'f it fleeting?
Yet, we are still ever advancing
In a thousand years or so,
We will have found another planet
This planet is to contain life this time
And then the question is
Are they friendly?
Yet, we have explored more space than our own ocean and we still continue to explore space
Space intrigues us
It feels like we have explored the whole ocean
But we haven't
Only 4%
We've only explored so little
Curiosity always gets the better of us
We will soon explore even more
We are ever exploring
Centient means curiosity
Centient means the ability to defy nature
So, we will soon unlock the mysteries of the universe.
© Amelia Newberry

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