

I'm Losing It
I'm losing it.
I'm going crazy.
All over my head is groans and noise.
Sometimes I wonder how it'll be out of this world.
Peace and quite;
All alone with yourself and your thoughts.
Then I begin thinking again...
Why would I want to be alone?
Leaving the people who genuinely care about me.
I'll be fine alone but the scars I'll leave behind will be deep......
I'd rather be hurt than kill the veins that guide my living. This is why I keep fighting the trenches. Holding my head high when the rain is lashing my back.
I get it now.
The saying " experience is the best teacher"
I've accepted the rain and I know I'll walk through with my head held high.
I know I'll survive.
I'll come out alive, Not just for the people around but for my heart: The one that never stopped beating through it all