

# loneliness
it felt as standing on the edge of a cliff you can see your family standing to close you know ground is going to break and your family it will take you try not to incite fear or cause ground to shake softly you try to comunicate come back away from the dangers you clearly see why can't they? the more you try to convae its seems the more they look the other way. you relize they cant here you so you scream louder but they still have no response as you try to get closer to pull them away you hit an invisible wall they cant see or here you at all. panic sets in you now begin beating striking the barrier but no they still can't hear you im alone in reality im the only one who can see whats going to come I scream and pound the wall with every ounce of love and life I got and still they cant hear my crys to stop .did I cause the ground to shake causing the edge to break by my attempts to save each day alone now the earth I Rome lost in thought did I do right or wrong is there somthing else i could have done to late now I'm all alone forever heart broke forever stuck in a zone till my last days Loneliness I own till my dieing day ill Rome no longer is earth my home its a foreign place without them to share my space I screamed I cried but they could not hear they could not hear
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