

I rome
I have never felt this truly Alone betrayed by my own .... once my home filled with laughter and love.....long embraced hugs ...the times we made love .
now just a fading memory of what was
with uncertainty of whats to come

what have you done ....this pain you have inflicted has left me numb stuck in my mind our memory re-runs

I am stuck in this dark space its familiar I've been here before but somthing out of place.

of this I'm sure. everything happend so fast so many emotions at one time in your mind they crash im just still trying to get a grasp and re group if a computer i would re boot

is it a feeling of somthing else more sinister about the my wife and how her motherhood was administered

is it the feeling that comes with betrayl hurt confusion your daughter and wife clearly in collusion is it the secrets they kept that caused her life to come to a conclusion

is it loving someone so much you just can't believe this path they have chosen ....the pain they have inflicted her heart must be frozen 15 years did I ignore signs that could have stoped this

is it the fact since I found out about her affairs she desperately searched for any indiscretions so she could compare to say this is why right here but found none
my loyalty unwavering my love strong she was the only one done wrong so a she decides to Run

is it the the feeling within a flash of a day
loving someone so strong and now equal is hate a cocktail not for the weak emotions up and down feelings different week to week

is it realizing that pain and loss are the only guarantee in this place..if you follow the world in its set pace then you fall to his game you will be in pain what is trust with so much lust what is it you feel thats real when you can't make your partner happy everyday so instead they stray
given any sunday like a football team big and strong but they lost. We live in a world with hook up apps and quotes to remind us what love is with sticky notes to look what you have...the only thing
that you can say for certain is bad times come free dont have to work for them they find you
its the good things take work no matter what it is if you want it you work for it...but today is I deserve give me

© David Barrett