

A Consuming Fire
Where is the consolation, after the mirage has all but faded away?

When the most beautiful strokes of a pen flourish together naturally like a field dressed with a bouquet of flowers: only to meet the decay of August, reminisced upon like the longing for Summer Sun on a Winter's day; when colors fade, and light just doesn't seem to shine the same.

The same field: barren, lifeless, cold, brittle, bare, bitter.

It all circles round and round again. Seasons come and seasons go, time changes everything.

No form of Earthly Glory can endure for long before they are replaced with the years of longing for.

Somber is the Life we Live. Seldom does Youth even get a glance at Vitality before it recognizes that all is Vanity.

But for the purpose and promise of the Eternal Kingdom of God, even the most bright and beautiful expanses of Creation would be a grievous thing.

Without a cornerstone to rely on, a sturdy foundation for the soul to gaze; solace would be likened to the memory of a sight or a sound which the clouds of time turn to a haze.

The sensual faculties always stirring up a desire for more of what is pleasing; suffering to confess that they themselves are fleeting.

Holding on, but never truly grasping a thing.

A Consuming Fire.

In the ebb and flow of life's fleeting moments, solace often finds its haven in the enduring promise of the Eternal Kingdom of God. Earthly beauty may fade, and the passage of time may cast shadows on vibrant scenes, but the steadfast cornerstone provides solace beyond the transient nature of existence. The pursuit of fleeting pleasures may be consuming, yet within the promise of eternity, there lies a refuge for the weary soul.