

Fragments of my soul
Falling away like ashes in the wind.
Setting my sights lofty to amend.
Washing away time and space.
Fitted to my destiny like satin and lace.

Satisfaction for the moments that passed,
And for the moments yet to come.
Tightly wound for the segments that cannot be undone.

Those may reminisce for a time, yet they will move on.
Even at it's darkest there is a new dawn.
My words unspoken will blister the pages,
Even as the storm rages.

I will not leave behind neither a legacy
nor will I leave behind a name.
I will leave you with a world untamed.

I will leave you the echoes of myself
and fragments of my soul.
My words unspoken will exist even when I am gone.
With your connection, I will live on.