A Beggar's 'Death'
In the Radience and Brightness of the rising Sun,
It was a cramped space
A Habitat for germs ; a dim light,
A place where time has forgotten,
Just like forest with overgrown trees and shrubs,
There is light on the side of the road in the distance,
He, walking briskly during the day,
He, with gray beard, courageous wristbands that stretch without a hitch to passengers,
With some the nominal coins he acquired
Many passers by had to hear his assailance
Rushed soon to the next tea shops, soon after the coins are collected,
Tea in a tea cup that is close to the actual price available,
Tea in a tea cup that is reluctant to combine all the juices,
He drank it in one gulp and walked first to the street and then to the ground;
In some places where the noise of the players is described
The games take place where fitness is checked daily; protected;
Ignoring them; he went down and walked through them,
Much faster than them ; in self-depreciation,
In self-reliance over physical fitness,
No one ever said a bad word to him,
He was not commanded to go away but some even asked,
There his lack of humility became beneficial,
On the other hand, he crossed the road several times. through the vehicle trainers,
As If they had become patient,
He made the U-turn and Y flew in the air and walked around
with the motorist lacking expression,
By which if it were any other he should be scolded
Many who once gave money was striked stones by him for not giving it next time,
Even those who had paid two or three times heard the assailable and walked away
He, not obeying any fear, rules or hesitations of society,
Despite giving so...