

untouchable book chapter four
Chapter 4

The next day I didn't want to go to highschool, so I'm laying in bed and his text wakes me up




I lied "I have so much hw to do from my homeschooling"

"Oh, well I miss you!"

"Sure you do" I rolled my eyes

"What's that supposed to mean, r u mad at me tell me so I can fix it before it's too late!!!"

"I gave up" I responded

"What do you mean you gave up?"

"I gave up on us" I replied

"Somebody told you something, tell me what?"

"I just want you to be happy even if it's not with me?"

"Are you talking about Leah, I don't like her I pushed her off me at the party when she was flirting with me!"

"No, who is the girl that was at your house last night?"

"What girl?"

"The girl with the blonde hair? Tall, pretty, tan everything that I'll never be"


"I'm not finding this funny"

"That's my cousin! We aren't in Alabama!"

"Oh......awk" :o

He didn't text back for a while then he said

"You're jealous?"

Me trying to hide it "no, not at all, you're only my best friend"

"Yes, I am"

I sat there waiting for a text back maybe a winky face or something but no. Nothing, but it was like 12:30 and he was at lunch. I smiled while I just pictured him next to me everything felt right maybe we're supposed to be friends, but there was something different about him more different than anybody else I ever met.

I get a text right after 3pm when his school ended,

"Hey, can we go eat some food and go to a movie there's this really good movie out, although it's a replay of the movie insurgent is a great movie!!!?"

"Yes let's go, I could really use some peanut butter cups!!!" I replied hungrily

"Hahah I just figured out a nickname I could call you!"


"Buttercup!!" you're always eating peanut buttercups!!!"

"Then I have to call you something!"

"How about snickers, kit kat?"


"Crunch! That's perfect!!!!" I laughed as his face turned ruby red.

I didn't need to dress up I could be myself around Lee and I really liked this guy but I was waiting for him to ask me out again. So I could say yes and I could kiss his cute little face, with Lee I feel like everything is possible and this is how life was supposed to go.

Lee came to pick me up and Aaron came with us as well, it was considered our first friends date, Lee was wearing a cute blue aeropostale hoodie and I was wearing a camo sweater with my legs exposed and shorts.

"Oh Aaron is coming, I didn't know he was."

"Oh come on, it's a classic Aaron has to tag along!"

"It's fine," I smiled

"I was watching the movie and the whole time I would hold Lee's hand and I really wanted to kiss him and I would stare at him instead of watching the movie. But there would be times where he'd almost catch me and I'd catch him staring at me. He put his hand on my thigh and that got my heart racing nobody touched my thigh I was always the disease, but to him I was so much more it seemed. He loved me as much as I loved him.

After the movie was over Lee and I just sat in his car talking about basketball and sports, I was so happy to be by him because he always smelled so good. I couldn't imagine my life without him because he was in my life for what it seemed years.

Before I went inside as I was about to get out my door Lee pulled me back in by my arm


"What do you want Lee" I laughed

"What were you going to say to me that night"

"What are you talking about?" I pretended to not know

"That night I was texting you and my phone broke when I dropped it."

"I'll tell you but don't freak out! Okay?"

"I promise not to freak out"


"Really, Kylie you can trust me, I've never let you down and I'm not about to because of the fact that you are different in some way. Whatever you have or don't have it's what makes you, you.

"Okay" I sighed as my heart pounded

"I have aquagenic urticaria."

"What do you mean what is that?"

"I'm allergic to water"

"Oh, that's it? You scared me I thought you had cancer or something I was really scared that I was going to lose you, I can't lose you, I love you"


"I mean like I love you like a best friend you know?"

"No I don't because I love you too"

I felt the warmth of his body as he gave me a long embrace, I felt the warmth of his breath breathing on me and I really liked it, I loved him and I wasn't afraid to tell him anything because he understood my disease and didn't see me as contagious, like I thought he would. I leaned in for a kiss, we both leaned in as we looked at each other's eyes as they closed. And I felt the fireworks that were so explosive, my heart started racing as I felt his warm lips on mine. His kisses were so cute, he pecked like a little bird and then made kissy noises when he wanted me to kiss him. 

He finally let me out of his car and opened the door for me, I smiled and blushed as his hand touched mine because it still drove my heart wild. I smiled at him and he smiled at me, I felt the butterflies in my stomach again, and I felt myself falling he caught me right before I hit the ground like it was a tango.

"Wow you really trying to make me dance."

"I'm pretty sure you're good on your feet"

"No, I'm better on my game"

"You and your minecraft!" I rolled my eyes and chuckled

I smiled and rubbed my hand against his

"Goodnight crunch"

"Goodnight buttercup"

I went to bed and I passed out

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