

The Dream of Freedom

Freedom is a dream that I chase every day
But the chains of oppression never go away
They bind me to a life that I did not choose
They silence my voice and deny me the truth

But I will not give up, I will not lose hope
I will fight for my rights and break the rope
That holds me back from reaching the sky
That tells me to stop and not to try

I know the road is long and full of pain
I know the odds are stacked against me again
But I have a fire in my heart that burns bright
I have a vision in my mind that guides my sight

I will overcome the obstacles that come my way
I will face the challenges that test my faith
I will not let fear or doubt stop me from my goal
I will not let anyone take away my soul

Freedom is a dream that I will make come true
Freedom is a gift that I will share with you
Freedom is a right that belongs to everyone
Freedom is a light that shines like the sun
© JR2K6