

some lenses for the mind
everybody got different lenses
no disputing that
and in life we can change those lenses
no disputing that
but at least make sure
that whatever your lenses are or where
keep them clean and new
and treasure the light
or lack of it
that your lenses enable you to see

as you see all lenses
are innovative,
isn't that enough?
maybe not
maybe we need more than lenses
to see what's really going on

maybe we need life behind those
maybe we need
someone else to clean them
when we lack the hands to clean our own

maybe we need new things to see
for all life's a drug
at least drug yourself well
is all there is
to be

so fervently
we beat against time
confirming its will
into our own
bit time has allies
nature cannot help
but keep itself in line

so in the end all is fruitless
except to understand the times
and to just be

nature and rhe universe
will always be and always will
Mr infinite will always be outside your windowsill
and Ms endlessly will rule the cosmos equally
© definitely a person