

Nigerian youths, which way?
In Nigeria's vibrant land, do we stay?
Shall we blindly follow, or chart our own way?
Can we ignore the struggles, turning a blind eye?
As long as our families thrive, do we let the truth fly?

Should we walk the path, stained with corruption's mark?
Or rise above, igniting a hopeful spark?
Are we bound to repeat, the mistakes of the past?
Or forge a new legacy, breaking free at last?

In the face of challenges, do we shy away?
Or unite as one, for a brighter day?
Shall we speak up, raise our voices high,
And fight for justice, as the days go by?

Nigerian youths, it's time to decide,
To break the chains, let our values guide.
Together we'll shape a future so grand,
With passion and purpose, hand in hand.

Poem by Ruth Oyerinde
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