

Blow Out My Soul

As if I were a candle

They try to blow out my soul

Intimidation confusing those who can't seem to glow on their own

Merely jealous because I was able to find equilibrium

When darkness grew underneath my skin

Inside my veins

Traveling to my head

Even though, coming close to overtaking me

Until I decided to fight

Harmonized it with my light

True Synergy when you learn how to fuse the two

Ascending to a higher frequency, then my own personal demons were used to

So they no longer called my name out in the night

My sight never seemed as clear as it is now

This time I won't stop until I shine

Rising above everyone who said I couldn't

Make it to the highest level possible

Walk to the edge of its ledge

Just to merely look down

Wave and smile

Suicidal thoughts no longer in this mind of mine

Not to be missed

No longer zoned out like before

New and improved and all the way zoned in

© SarahAbell
