

Corona virus

Amidst the chaos and the fear,
A silent killer crept so near,
A virus with no face or name,
But one that brought the world to shame.

Corona, they called it with dread,
A tiny microbe that quickly spread,
From person to person, town to town,
Leaving devastation all around.

The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors.

Streets once bustling, now deserted,
People in their homes, feeling thwarted,
A new reality we must face,
As Corona takes its deadly place.

Families torn apart, loved ones lost,
The price we pay, at such a cost,
But in the midst of all this pain,
We find a glimmer of hope to sustain.

Communities coming together,
To fight this battle, now and forever,
Doctors, nurses, heroes in white,
Risking their lives to save our plight.

And as we stay inside and wait,
For this storm to pass, before it's too late,
Let's hold onto each other tight,
And pray for a world that's free from this plight.

For when the days are dark and cold,
And fear creeps in, making us fold,
We must remember, we are not alone,
Together we'll rise and make this virus known.

So let's stand strong, with courage and grace,
And do our part to keep the human race,
For Corona may have brought us to our knees,
But together, we'll conquer with ease.

© nusrataijazlaway