

Purpose of a woman
why was I taught
at an early age
am incomplete
i should wait
for a guy
to come around
and wipe my tears
at the first place
who gave him the right
to be the source
of my inner strength
how was it?
the first time
I started walking
I was always told
being a girl
is compared to a flower
I should raise my head while walking,
Wave as a sign of respect
courtesy in front of elders
wear make-up to look pretty
and attract the guys
speak with a low voice
respect elders decision of my fate
that no matter how educated I am,
someday I will end up as house wife,
a slave into submission
and my career ends
along the road
why being filled up ?
with norms and culture
of how to keep a man
and why feeding it
to little children
and surely expect them
to be upright
instead of exploration
being a woman
is surely not a curse
but rather a blessing
we should be given the key
the day we were born
to make our own decision in life
and being taught
that we are enough
the different between a man and gentleman,
we are uniquely created
to spread our light
and surely embrace
the state of being a woman

© mariahashei