

Remember when all we had
was a little ray of sunshine?
We made love
and had so many ballads
that you were amazed
they weren't born to dance.

You felt so suffocated at nights
that the stars began to hide
behind the dark clouds.
We used to stack up our books
to make a castle,
but the empty castle still cried
the angry sobs of the failed kingdom.

Even the sunken ceiling of the sky
gave us room to breathe,
and happiness danced
in the soft darkness.

Remember when our ray of sunshine
started to shine bright?
We were too blinded by light
to see each other.
Comfort was peeled out of our skin
and once warm blankets
now burn through our bones.

Maybe our ballads
became the stars
that we try to hide from now,
and maybe they did know
how to dance afterall.

© lostforever