

KM's Unsaid Love: part_27 ("Radiant Horizons")
Title of Part Twenty-Seven:
KM's Unsaid Love:
"Radiant Horizons"

Filtering rays of sunshine,
*Brighten up my day, a warm design.*
My heart swells with hope and pride,
*Keen for the glories coming my way.*

In the corridors of post-exam bliss,
*Where sunbeams dance, a radiant kiss.*
*KM's heart, a canvas of dreams,*
*Painted with hope, where optimism gleams.*

As he envisions a future unknown,
*With every step, his aspirations grown.*
*In the absence of her, a guiding light,*
*KM embarks on a journey, bold and bright.*

Stay tuned for more, as the tale persists,
*In "KM's Unsaid Love," where the heart persists.*

© KM.Pradhosh