

For Me
For Me:

Cigarette burns
On my Rhino skin
She loves to leave me scars
Her words
They cut like a knife
She knows
Just how to wield them
Cutting me deep
And with maximum
Emotional effect
My heart stops
Each time she opens her mouth
For fear of what comes next
She watches
To check my reaction
Did I cut deep enough
Testing my shield of love
She knows it protects her
Silence my weapon of choice
Checking my resistance
Shields at 40%
I can’t take much more of this
Logic and reason
Both have left the building
Not sure what to do next
Engage in the drama
Or crash and burn
Drama is not an option
I’m allergic to that
I breath
And reestablish the balance
Centring myself
Crazy is a crazy does
This angers her more
I assume the stoic position
Hellenistic philosophy
Steering my ship
Calm and collective
No battles won
In a fit of rage
Ignoring the ignorable
Rising above
But It’s breaking my heart
Why so irrational
Does my refusal
To rise to the bate
Make her so mad
Restraint my superpower
Zen the way the Buddha
Looking past the anger
To love her is to let her go
I do this her
And for me

the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet

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